Time to cut the cheese

When, did I, as an adult human lose the ability to cut cheese? The thought struck me as I was making a breakfast cheese toasty and pulled a slice of cheese out of the packet. My cheese comes in a pack of 10 slices packaged with a shell plastic base and a resealable thinner plastic top.

I looked in the fridge. When did I become unable to grate cheese? Why did I need my cheese to arrive in neat packaging and ready to use? How much time had I saved by buying grated or sliced cheese? Will the time saved add years to my life? Is it enough to create some sort of sliding doors moment in my life in which happiness will arrive because I bought the packaged cheese and was able to get out the door faster?

All of these things create more waste, more packaging and more environmental harm. I’m keen on having lessons to learn to make mozzarella, but from now on, I might choose to buy my hard cheese from the market and build some upper body strength and cut it myself.

I keep having these moments where I look around and realise that the emperor wears no clothes… I am doing things because I’ve always done them, but that doesn’t make them right or sensible.

For starters, I bet buying a block of cheese and slicing/grating it myself is a lot cheaper than what I’ve been doing my whole life. That alone should make the difference when thinking about my food choices.


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